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Get all the raw performance of the server for your resource-intensive websites & applications
No plans matching your search criteria.
Our servers are powered by SSD storage, DDR4 Memory and Xenon D processors, and can smoothly handle any type of workload — from a critical business application to a high-traffic website.
We get you online quickly. Your server is provisioned within minutes.
Never lose access to your server. Our Server Administration Panel gives you total control at all times. With features like Rebuild, Web-based VNC, Restart, Shutdown and Resource Monitoring you can manage your server easily.
Our HDD servers come with the flexibility of additional storage. You can easily scale the storage as your business grows.
Choose from multiple Linux flavours and hosting panels. You can even add WHMCS add-on to have a complete billing solution.
Our servers are located a top-tier data centres which are backed by redundant ISP links and Neustar DDoS protection to ensure your site is up and available all the time.
The Dedicated Servers come pre-configured with RAID 1. At present, we don’t allow customisation of RAID level.
Would love to hear about such new features requests to help us serve you better.
At present, the additional storage feature is only available with our HDD servers in the US data centre.
Would love to hear about such new features requests to help us serve you better.